Friday, 10 October 2014

Summer Highlights

I had an amazing four months in Ottawa and wanted to share some of the best moments!

1. Working with 39 other amazing Parliamentary Guides in English and French. I made some incredible new friends through this experience 

2. Being hosted at Rideau Hall by His Excellency, the Right Honourable David Johnston

3. Going up to the dome of the Library of Parliament and then around the entire structure on the outside

4. Attending a reception at Kingsmere and meeting the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Honourable Andrew Scheer

5. Meeting the Speaker of the Senate, the Honourable Noel Kinsella

6. Visiting the National Gallery of Art and the Museum of History

7. Celebrating Canada Day on Parliament Hill

8. Giving tours of our nation's Centre Block in English and French to groups of 50 people. I was also able to give tours to my family which was very special.

9. Guide BBQs in Wakefield, Quebec 

10. Hiking in Gatineau Park, Quebec

11. Pizza - luck dinners with other Guides

12. Exploring great stores and restaurants in the Byward Market

13. Going to Montreal

14. Attending a lecture by Mellissa Fung at the Delegation of the Ismaili Imamat

15. The Guide Ball we had at the end of the season to celebrate our accomplishments this summer 

16. Watching Question Period in the House of Commons and in the Senate Chambers

17. Meeting my MP, Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair

18. Enjoying the view of Parliament from Major's Hill Park

19. Practicing my French with my colleagues and visitors 

20. Working in one of the most important buildings in the country 

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